
in the dynamic landscape of event planning, the year 2023 brings a multitude of trends that are reshaping the way we perceive and participate in gatherings. from the fusion of in-person events with digital advancements to the growing emphasis on sustainability and well-being, event planners are ingeniously adapting to the changing times. let’s delve into the most compelling trends that are defining the event landscape this year.

  1. in-person events go digital-first: a fusion of real and virtual

in an era where technology is seamlessly integrated into our lives, event planners are seizing the opportunity to create a harmonious blend of in-person experiences and digital enhancements. the concept of in-person events with a digital-first approach has gained traction, revolutionising the way we engage with live gatherings. mobile event apps have emerged as pivotal tools, offering attendees the convenience of live updates, personalised schedules, interactive q&a sessions, and networking opportunities, all accessible from their smartphones. this innovative approach not only heightens engagement but also significantly boosts event earnings – a remarkable 78% of companies utilising these mobile apps report increased revenue. the marriage of physical and digital realms is sparking a new era of hybrid experiences, presenting a compelling trend that promises to enrich event experiences moving forward.

  1. harnessing the power of data-driven events

in the fast-paced landscape of the modern world, data-driven events are making a profound impact. leveraging the wealth of available information, event organisers are transcending traditional approaches and embracing data insights to craft exceptional experiences. by analysing past attendee actions, real-time feedback, and market trends, planners can predict preferences, streamline logistics, and enhance engagement. this results in events that not only run seamlessly but also resonate deeply with participants. data-driven events represent a strategic shift toward more personalised and impactful experiences, aligning with the evolving expectations of attendees.

  1. rethinking networking: authentic connections over business cards

networking at events has evolved beyond the exchange of business cards. authentic interactions, whether in person or facilitated through event apps, are fostering lasting connections between attendees and hosts or brands. event tech companies are innovating mobile apps to enable better networking experiences, including participant matching and efficient meeting schedulers. the focus in 2023 is on quality over quantity, encouraging attendees to build meaningful relationships that extend beyond the event. by purposefully engaging with others, attendees can create a supportive community that nurtures mutually beneficial connections.

  1. sustainability takes centre stage: eco-friendly event practices

sustainability has become a cornerstone of event planning, driven by a collective commitment to reduce the industry’s carbon footprint. notably, COP26’s technical and operations director, mark bannister, has championed sustainable practices and inspired event planners to follow suit. initiatives such as utilizing low-carbon energy, recycling materials, sourcing local and seasonal foods, promoting eco-friendly transportation, and involving the local workforce are gaining prominence. this eco-friendly approach not only aligns with global sustainability goals but also resonates with environmentally-conscious attendees.

read about the gibson’s eco initiative here

  1. on-demand content for extended reach

the digital age has ushered in a new way of engaging attendees beyond the physical event. creating on-demand content from live events allows organizers to reach a broader audience and showcase their brand through high-quality video content. establishing a gated content hub facilitates data collection while adhering to regulations. this approach ensures that the interaction continues post-event by integrating live elements such as applause, replayed polls, and q&a sessions. the seamless transition from live to on-demand content preserves the event’s dynamic nature and keeps attendees engaged long after the event concludes.

  1. prioritizing health and wellness

in response to evolving societal demands, event planners are shifting their focus towards attendee well-being. event schedules are becoming more balanced, incorporating ample breaks and nourishing food options. team-building activities are gaining prominence, fostering unity and motivation among participants. the rise of the great resignation has prompted businesses to prioritise employee well-being, offering counseling services, flexible work arrangements, increased time off, and comprehensive healthcare packages. by catering to the holistic needs of attendees, event planners are creating environments that promote both professional and personal growth.

in conclusion, the event landscape of 2023 is defined by a convergence of digital innovation, sustainability, and well-being. the harmonious integration of technology with in-person experiences, coupled with data-driven insights, is reshaping the way we connect and engage. sustainable practices are driving the industry towards greater environmental responsibility, while a renewed focus on health and wellness is enhancing the overall event experience. as event planners navigate these trends, they have the opportunity to create transformative experiences that captivate attendees and set the stage for a dynamic future.

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